Tuesday 24 July 2012


                                                                               Class Notes #1 

                                   Tan Wenting

GENRE - a type or category of artistic endeavor having a particular for, content and technique.
        Examples: Sci-fi, Horror,Action, Romance, Comedy

CLICHE - Expression, idea or element of artistic work that has been overused to the point that it loses its original meaning or effect, rendering it to stereotype.
         Examples: "and they live happily ever after", good conquering evil

STEREOTYPE - An idea, trait, convention etc. that has grown stale through fixed usage
             Examples: Chris Evans represents Captain America, Robert Downy Jr represents Ironman


ANTAGONIST - Someone who is opposed to, struggles or competes with another
             Examples: A villain, Tom in Tom and Jerry, the coyote in the Roadrunner

PROTAGONIST - Leading character
              Examples: Roadrunner, Spongebob

SUPPORTING CHARACTER - Characters along with the leading character

COMIC RELIEF - Inclusion of humorous character, scene or witty dialogue in an otherwise serious work, often to relieve a tension
               Examples: Patrick and Squidward (Gary of course xD MEOW..) from Spongebob Squarepants, Captain Jack Sparrow

CHARACTERIZATION - The art of creating characters for a narrative
                   Examples: Beauty rare, Gold of sunshine in her hair, lips that shame of red, red rose. She walks with springtime where ever goes. Melody her whole life long. A nightingale, her troubadour. Bringing his sweet serenade to her door. - Sleeping Beauty [ A Gift ]

CONCEPT / CONCEPTUALIZATION - An idea formed from experience and other pre-existing mental content by abstraction and other operations in the brain
THEME - Setting or motive
PITCH - An animated summary of a script of the characters, genre or conflict
LOG-LINE -Brief summary of a television program or film often providing both synopsis of the program's plot, and an emotional hook to stimulate interest
CHARACTER BIO - A make up biography of the characters life
SYNOPSIS - Summary of the main points of the film or story
STORYLINE - The plot of the film or story
TREATMENT - A matter of fact, commonplace
DEVELOPMENT HELL - Period during which a film or other project is trapped in development. A film, television program, screenplay, computer program, concept, or idea stranded in development hell takes an especially long time to start production, or never does